Tynan Abbey Camp Area.
The Aerial photograph below highlights the concrete bases of Nissen Huts and pathways around the camp area,and also gives you an idea of the size of the camp used during WW2.

The green boundry line takes in the whole camp area including Chapel Hill camp area. The Red boundry takes in the camp living area were the nissen huts were and the open field to the left of the gun yard was used as a sports area,i.e. baseball.
The Blue boundry line is Tynan Abbey itself were Sir Norman Strong lived and also Officers of the visiting units during WW2.Top right of the picture you can just see the west of tynan village itself.
The Blue boundry line is Tynan Abbey itself were Sir Norman Strong lived and also Officers of the visiting units during WW2.Top right of the picture you can just see the west of tynan village itself.

A lovely picture of Tynan Abbey in all its glory.

The front of Tynan Abbey with U.S.Army soldiers loading a piano onto a cart to use as entertainment for the soldiers at the camp area in 1942.
A nice picture of a 5th Belgian Brigade Soldier doing sentry duty at the back entrance to Tynan Abbey, notice the gate behind the soldier hanging off the hinges, bad drivers in every outfit.